Christos Ministries International


Pastors & Ministers 

Dr.  Glenn Walter 

Head Pastor

 Dr. Walter is an ordained clergyman with a profound dedication to God and His people. His contemporary ministerial approach, connecting theology and psychology, helps people build a relationship with Jesus Christ. He has authored numerous publications for personal development and professional businesses. His professional expertise prepares leaders to serve in
the ministry, business, and academic sectors.

Jodi Ann Mancuso-Walter

First Lady

Jodi Ann Mancuso-Walter’s relentless passion for doing global Kingdom business serves as a powerful catalyst for all people, especially women. She is a degreed counselor, ordained clergy member, and business owner who has worked effectively in ministry and business for 28 years. She has established church ministries, business enterprises, and workforce development partnerships while traveling internationally, sharing the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Tondy Talley

Praise and Worship Leader

Tondy Talley is an accomplished music major who brings her passion for the Gospel to life through her talents in playing and singing at CMI. As a degreed nurse by profession, she carries her compassionate heart into the field of market ministry, combining her healthcare expertise with a deep love for media design to reach and uplift others. Tondy’s fierce dedication to international evangelism and youth outreach continues to impact lives across the United States and the United Kingdom.

Evan White-Ford

Youth Minister 

Evan White-Ford serves as the Youth Minister for CMI, bringing a powerful combination of focus, dedication, and loyalty to his ministry. Known for his insightful, studious approach and deep commitment, Evan has passionately centered his life around his calling. He is a gifted entrepreneurial Website Branding designer, using his skills to further God's kingdom through impactful digital outreach. He continually seeks to serve, uplift, and inspire others in their faith journey to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Ja’Vonya Montgomery 

Dance leader 

Ja’Vonya Montgomery is a remarkable dance leader for CMI, where her passion for Jesus Christ shines vibrantly through the liturgical art of dance. With a heart set on edifying others, Ja'Vonya brings to life the beauty of worship through movement, capturing the essence of faith in every graceful step that speaks much louder than words! As a brilliant dental professional, she is touching the lives of the local community while ministering to the global body of Christ.